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Friday, May 19, 2006

Are You A Christian? Do You Believe in Unicorns? Don't Read Da Vinci

I was fortunate enough to wake up on the way to work this morning just in time to listen to an AM radio discussion on the Code's movie status in the country. So far, the movie has been a real conversation piece between plain simple folk and the devout. The buzz on this movie was enough to pique everyone's curiosity. Although I knew the big secret well before I read the book, clue:


I still wanted to watch for social purposes. By social, I meant getting into some artsy-fartsy girl's pants.

I know that it is fiction but with all the ruckus it has been causing, I'm beginning to have second thoughts.

People take things like this seriously, don't they? I can't blame them. I felt the same way after watching Lord of the Rings, which was another popular work of fiction. I knew it was fiction but deep down, I felt that elves and dwarves and hobbits really roamed the earth at one time. And somehow, at the turn of the century, we were all forced to forget. And also I think magic is real and unicorns exist.

So it would not surprise me how Dan Brown could shake the foundations of some people's faith with his popular work of fiction. Well, that is good. At least I know I am not alone with this feeling of doubt. The Bible may be divinely inspired but Dan Brown is such a good writer that I just have to believe. I wish I could be like him, raking in millions while the rest of the world watch and second-guess their convictions about Jesus, the Only Begotten Son of God - God among Men.

...Who actually had kids and were just covered up by some illuminati group so the world would believe in his divinity.
. . .

I agree with the R18 rating and I can understand why Henry Sy doesn't want to show it in SM Cinemas. He is after all, an Opus Dei member.

But I can't bring myself to fully agree with any one side on this debate because first of all, nothing here should be an issue. People are smart enough to see a good work of fiction and to think nothing more of it.

Wait, what? Oh shit.

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