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Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Design Morgue

I kept this image because of its ingenious method of acquiring attention. I thought at first it was PG-13. It turns out that it was just an open blank book that happens to be flesh-colored (you naughty boy). @_@

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I kept this tarp sample because it was my first attempt at designing something for an organization. It was an experimentation of Photoshop skills, complete with lens flare for that sun-behind-the-back effect. ^_^

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When I was 13 I used to watch Evangelion, which was undoubtedly the most depressing animation I have seen. I was partly hooked because I found one of the characters, Asuka Sohryu (shown here, painted by the original manga cover artist), to be inexplicably interesting. She was a genius and the campus hottie but was still oddly insecure and dominating that it compelled me to see how it will all be resolved in the end. @_@

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When my laptop was bought, the first order of business was to duly personalize it. The most obvious way was to change the wallpaper. This was the product, made purely of brushes, it is still my wallpaper after 1 and a half years. I aptly named it, Brilliance. B-)

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From one good picture, I started experimenting with effects and colors. Out of a balancing act, I added stars and the resulting image reminded me of the football season (it was the World Cup then), so I kept the image and even made it an avatar for a few weeks before finding a less vain one. ^_^

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Whoever watches wrestling knows the spirit squad. It was a running joke among the Solar Sports people (mostly Ateneans and La Sallites) that these people were La Salle pep squad members who were sidelined after their UAAP suspension. One of our officemates designed this as his wallpaper just to spite our La Sallite friends there. :-P

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During our photoshoot for Siklab fashion week, we took some random photos of ourselves. This shot of our friend focusing a SLR camera was one of the more artistic ones. It was also a great folder photo for the photoshoot files (when viewing in thumbnail mode). ^_^

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Finally, this was my pair of old off-white Chucks that I painted red on the inside and on the lining at the back. Nothing beats a classic, especially when it is customized with due inspiration. ^_^

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

SNL and the D&D Parodies

As far as parodies go, I'll give SNL the award. They deserve it. And if you don't believe me, try watching this certain parody on 90's RnB music videos ^_^

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In the order of geek heirarchy, many would contest that comic geeks are above Dungeons and Dragons geeks. Others can't tell the difference though. While many would say, "Geeks, shmeeks." I strongly hold that the least of the geeks should be (drumroll please) the Trekkie. @_@

I haven't seen a Filipino Trekkie and I really don't plan on meeting one soon, but I've met with comic geeks (particularly in comic class, doi) and D&D geeks, that's me and my neighbors. Yes, and although I'm sorry now for having spent my early allowance on monster manuals, which we used to photocopy and 20-sided dice, I can say that the experience was, well, enriching. ^_^

Now, whenever comic geeks start making fun of D&D geeks, you know something's amiss in the natural order of geekdom. @_@ But JV pointed out this site and I found it, much to my amazement, a complete and shameless attempt to poke fun at something that, when we come to think of it, really is a funny activity. Now, although I know a lot of laypeople would struggle in responding to the humor of the strips, any kindred spirits versed in RPGs is free to check out Rich Burlew's Order of the Stick.

He should pay me for this. ^_^

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Tuesday, January 2, 2007

This Year's the Year

You heard me, I'm making bold claims now. I resolved that one too. ^_^

I like New Year for a lot of things: 1) fireworks, 2) buena noche, 3) a valid and sellout reason to text people and make sure that they didn't delete you from their address books. But most importantly, I like New Year because it's the only time seers and fortune tellers get a killing. People are always filled with this hope that somehow, in some way, this year will be better than the last. I sometimes even get to thinking how, sans the gifts of course, New Year is celebrated in a more glorious and emphatic way - people making noise, jumping in the hopes of growing taller (I know I do), stuffing their pockets with coins, and so forth.

But not all people celebrate New Year. I heard in France, there's this group that protests the celebration of New Year because of "Man's obsession with the future." They said that important thing is the now. When 2007 finally struck, they dispersed and vowed to return on the same date prior to 2008. Wow. Now that's a worthy cause. @_@

I also find delight in the fact that since 2005, Star Movies made it a point to premiere Star Wars every January 31. Well, this time around it was episode 3, and unbeknownst to many, true blue Star Wars fans thought this to be far too cheesy (but not as cheesy as episode 2, *barf* and *spit*). They just couldn't handle the fact that Darth Vader became Darth Vader because of well, a twisted obsession to keep Padme alive. I couldn't blame Anakin of course, Padme is hot. ^_^

But also unbeknownst to many, episode 3 has this in its script and I swear I almost lost my buena noche after hearing it.

On a balcony overseeing the Coruscant skyline, Padme looks around, Anakin is staring at her.

Anakin: You are so beautiful.

Padme: That's because I'm so in love.

Anakin: No. No, that's because I'm so in love with you.

Padme: So you mean love has blinded you? Both smile.

At this point I was looking to call it quits and switch to Discovery Channel or whatnot but I found myself stuck. I just never thought George Lucas had it in him to write these things. >_<

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And so we get to the conclusion of this entry: the Mandatory New Year's Resolution List (Everyone has them, why can't I?) ^_^
  1. Be punctual.
  2. Be sensitive.
  3. Be 142 pounds by beach season.
  4. Be taller. Please.
  5. Be studious.
Well, I guess that's all. I would've written "Be not single" but I don't think that's a good resolution. Besides, I'm almost 21, what's wrong with being single since birth? Don't answer that. >_<

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