/* ------------------------------------------------ CSS Style borrowed from Minima by Douglas Bowman ------------------------------------------------ */


Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Design Morgue

I kept this image because of its ingenious method of acquiring attention. I thought at first it was PG-13. It turns out that it was just an open blank book that happens to be flesh-colored (you naughty boy). @_@

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I kept this tarp sample because it was my first attempt at designing something for an organization. It was an experimentation of Photoshop skills, complete with lens flare for that sun-behind-the-back effect. ^_^

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When I was 13 I used to watch Evangelion, which was undoubtedly the most depressing animation I have seen. I was partly hooked because I found one of the characters, Asuka Sohryu (shown here, painted by the original manga cover artist), to be inexplicably interesting. She was a genius and the campus hottie but was still oddly insecure and dominating that it compelled me to see how it will all be resolved in the end. @_@

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When my laptop was bought, the first order of business was to duly personalize it. The most obvious way was to change the wallpaper. This was the product, made purely of brushes, it is still my wallpaper after 1 and a half years. I aptly named it, Brilliance. B-)

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From one good picture, I started experimenting with effects and colors. Out of a balancing act, I added stars and the resulting image reminded me of the football season (it was the World Cup then), so I kept the image and even made it an avatar for a few weeks before finding a less vain one. ^_^

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Whoever watches wrestling knows the spirit squad. It was a running joke among the Solar Sports people (mostly Ateneans and La Sallites) that these people were La Salle pep squad members who were sidelined after their UAAP suspension. One of our officemates designed this as his wallpaper just to spite our La Sallite friends there. :-P

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During our photoshoot for Siklab fashion week, we took some random photos of ourselves. This shot of our friend focusing a SLR camera was one of the more artistic ones. It was also a great folder photo for the photoshoot files (when viewing in thumbnail mode). ^_^

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Finally, this was my pair of old off-white Chucks that I painted red on the inside and on the lining at the back. Nothing beats a classic, especially when it is customized with due inspiration. ^_^

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