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Wednesday, November 8, 2006

Good Morning, Incomplete

I was barely expecting to get a 3 for my QPI following my accursed semester of frustration, which, if I think about it long and hard, could be traced back to my dismal random number (SOAB! >_<). Thanks a lot. Sans the needless trips back and forth from the covered courts to the SOM department, I was looking forward to a day of reunion, considering we didn't go out of town and I practically spent the whole break alone in my room, refusing all human interactions (even online) L-( But fate, in its usual comedic self, didn't give me that break. I looked at my report card to see the usual B's and occasional A's and B+'s but I never counted on seeing this. Not at all. @_@

Beside Theology was the letter "I". :-O

Now, wait a minute. I tried to stop the impending aneurism. For the life of me, I couldn't remember any requirement that I might have missed. Was it because I was always late? No, she should've given me a "W". But an "Incomplete"? This is new. >_<

Needless to say I stormed my way to the Theology department to give Rosanna a piece of my mind. But then I saw a post saying, "All students with Incomplete marks please return at 2pm." The time then was 10:45. Mmffckr! This day can't get any worse. >_<

Between then and 2pm, I killed time just so I could kill Rosanna (in my thoughts, at least). I thought of the different scenarios that could have conjured up such a grade. Maybe it was a mistake on her part. She probably lost our Ecological Footprint. Or she must have a personal dislike for our group, or worse, me. @_@ Now, Ma'am and I never got along, to say the least. Given how I react to negative motivation, I never got myself to taking her class seriously. I just did enough to "pull through". Maybe it backfired. Maybe this time I failed to "pull through". Well, I'm about to finally find out, at least. T_T

And the verdict? Apparently, me and a few other people from our class were fortunate enough to receive some sort of "special" treatment. Since we failed miserably in the finals, she was willing to give us another shot because it killed her to see such consistent students get low grades. @_@ For a moment I felt horrible. Sure, I hated her as a teacher, but as a person, Ma'am isn't half-bad. In a way, she knows that maybe (just maybe) some circumstance, outside of ourselves must have led to our failure and now instead of giving us a final irrevocable "C", she chose to give us an "I" just so we'd have a shot at something more decent. ^_^

So now what? Now I study my thesis statements again, especially thesis 11. Hear that, fate? XP

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