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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Theo Test of Horror

This is going down in history as one of the worst moments in my college life. I took an exam that was intensely objective - I mean INTENSE - as in nose-bleed-inducing, cardiac-arresting, makapigil-hiningang intensity. >_< Rosanna sure knows how to do it right. Last night I read the whole Gospel of John (all 21 chapters) in one sitting. I felt a little momentum going so I also went ahead and read halfway of chapter 2 in the book (pp. 30-64). At around 330am, I called it a night. I knew I couldn't read anymore because I was starting to spend 20 minutes on just 1 paragraph. @_@ You know that feeling when you can understand the sentences line per line but can't seem to remember what the whole point of the paragraph was? I was starting to feel that. So by the law of diminishing returns, I quit. X-(

I had to wake up at 7am because we had to go back to GSK for a meeting. I spent any idle time studying or sleeping. I was feeling more and more hopeless but I guess you'll get used to that in ME. @_@

Before LS I went to the lib in a futile attempt to study. I saw Magno and he was kind enough to give out a few pointers. "Focus on chapter 2," he said. I went back to SEC to tell everyone else.

I never got to read chapter 5 nor the two crucial chapter 7 articles. That proved to be my undoing as 90% of the 35 modified true or false items were based on chapter 5 and 7. Chapter 2 was useless. I can't help but laugh knowing that there were at least 6 people in the room who are just as stumped as I was, Magno included. @_@

The coup de grace (ku/de/graw) was the matching type (I just remembered. We used to joke around in high school, whenever there was a matching type exam we'd point to some random guy and say, "Ikaw matsing type. ^_^ Hahahaha" Matsing, as in Kiko Matsing of Batibot. Well anyway back to the story.) The matching type doused the last ember of hope that I had left. It was supposed to test our knowledge of the the Johannine literature by making us match some phrases to the chapter where it belonged. These phrases were not the famous ones either. It was nowhere near "In the beginning was the Word." It was more like "When you were young, others fastened your belt for you." I mean, WTF? >_< Well of course now I've memorized it since I spent a good 10 minutes trying to remember what chapter it came from. I swear, never again.


I was trying to be eloquent enough to inject the Martial Law anniversary in my last sentence. But in case you failed to notice, "Never again" is the popular tag line of this year's Martial Law anniversary. ^_^

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