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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Answered Prayers

It's not about women. @_@ It's more along the lines of my recent orals in Theology. Rosanna was notorious for giving Fs and ludicrously objective questions. >_< Duenas didn't prolong the inevitable and said, "Sorry Ma'am, I haven't read that." Coming from a sucky group orals, I wasn't looking too sharp in the individuals. @_@

I no longer saw the point of studying. Muri and I would rather talk about how Dacanay is much better and how Rosanna gives tests that don't measure what we've learned. I was beginning to feel like flunking this Theology class just to prove a point that it sucked. >_< style="font-style: italic;">B+ in Dacanay and Jimeneeb *ahem* ^_^ ). We didn't want to face the fact that in the here and now, all we have is Rosanna and a copy of Nati's notes. It was so futile that we'd rather lose ourselves in painting and useless banter. @_@

But I had to at least try. Who knows I might get lucky? :-|

The tension increased tenfolds as we heard the first bell. Ten minutes. All we had was ten minutes. We raced upstairs in false alarm and the tension made me forget some of the finer points of the latter parts. It was a losing battle to say the least. I should be either really good or really lucky in this one. @_@

Nati drew first blood. Ma'am commented and it wasn't reassuring. I felt, "Crap. Even Nati can't please Rosanna. Eh aral na aral na nga 'yan." I bowed my head and prayed that prayer. :-|<

Lord, it is as if our lives are one test after another,
weighing us in somebody's balance.
Please save us from taking the coming test too seriously
or too lightly but grant that we reflect the best work
we've done and the best teaching we've received.

This we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

"Maron. Why is the ambivalence of the Theological teaching the ambivalence of the soul?" >:-|

I knew this one! This was Mark Uy's question. I had this one in the bag. ^_^

"Ok, why is theological thinking the grammar of the heart?" >:-|

It was getting more difficult but I had read the article and committed it to heart.

"Ok, what is substance of this grammar?" >>:-|

Huh? What substance? I didn't know that one... (Wait, why is she asking me THREE questions??) :-O

"I think Maron is done now. That is enough." :-|

"Thank you!" was all I could say. ^_^ It was over for me. I might have missed some details but at least I didn't do a Duenas. It was easier to just quit but I know that would be an unacceptable option. Even though this was nothing short of a divine intervention, it just goes to show that there will always be hope. *ahem* Muri *ahem* ^_^

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