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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

To Err is C'mon

The snafu with OAS-OSA has finally reached a verdict. We are good to go with our project but not before a blatant display of the office's sloppiness and stupidity. Ok first point, I submitted a letter informing OAS of our materials handling process, so they could be assured that paint won't get on the lovely and perfect SECB Foyer floor. OSA is holding all our MOAs until OAS allows us to use paint.

Problem 1 arises: OAS is taking its sweet time responding to the first request, hence no MOA from OSA and no love from Maron.

Solution to problem 1: Move the activity to a later date (Aug 21-25).

So I sent the new request forms. I also sent another letter regarding my logistical concerns. But this time, OSA replied: we need to see your project proposal. They wanted details about the Food Bazaar. Ma'am, I was thanking you for the recently concluded Food Bazaar. We are asking permission for Powered by Paint. You don't ask for permission for something that is recently concluded. Sheesh.

Problem 2 arises: OAS is taking its sweet time again. We can't promote and give MOAs because OSA won't let us until OAS gives the go signal. Our project is next week. We have to promote this week.

Solution to problem 2: Can't move activity. Can't cancel activity. So I wrote a 3rd letter asking OAS to please find time to look at our previous letters and at least tell us their concerns. They said, Mrs. Sumpaico of OAS had to talk to Ms. Ginger of OSA. Ok, no problem, go ahead and slug it out.

Problem 3 arises: OSA and OAS doesn't have a common time. Ok, dumb f*ck, I'm taking matters into my hands now.

Solution to problem 3: I went to OAS to try and talk to Mrs. Sumpaico herself and ask her what ails her. Chong was there to keep me from giving harsh comments.

So what ails her? She had a problem with our food sale. She read the "pre-project activity" thinking that was what we were going to do in the project. So I said, "Ma'am, the project's nature is written under the header 'NATURE OF THE PROJECT'." I pointed it out. There, educate yourself. Secondly, pre-project means before the project. You should have read ACTUAL PROJECT ACTIVITY instead because actual means the real deal. And I went to great pains to explain that the Food Bazaar is over and that we will only be dealing with paint. And she went to great lengths to make it look as if it was our fault that the 1st letter never reached her. Well, I could give some good reasons.
  1. They lost the letter because of some sloppy, incompetent procedure.
But I never did because Chong was there.

She finally said, "Ok. Push through with it." About time. I appreciate that they finally allowed us. I don't appreciate that they make it sound as if we did something wrong. Ok fine, it is my fault that the bureaucracy is taking too long and that our letter was lost under all the paper clutter. What I can't understand furthermore, is the blatant stupidity about what to read in the project proposal. OSA did this same mistake. They returned our MOAs saying that nothing's changed when obviously they never took the time to read the revised copy that was attached to the original copy. Sheesh. I feel sorry for them. The stress is turning their brains into mush. I mean, what's the point of having us submit proposals and revisions if they are not going to read it? Work with me people.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i share your irritation! we can't get anything done here if they keep delaying us with their bureaucratic nonesense and red tape slowness! aaargh.

10:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

whoops, nonsense is spelled without an extra E pala. hehe!

10:50 PM  
Blogger Maron said...

hear hear, we should make a poll about this soon

12:44 AM  

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