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Monday, October 16, 2006

Just My Luck

This will be my first time to fail finals, ever. It's not that I didn't study. It's *probably* not even Rosanna's fault (which I doubt) >_<. I studied all day today because I kept thinking my orals was due 530-6pm. Later I found out that it was actually 430-5pm. That one hour cost me theses 10 and 11. I managed to cram in thesis 10 right before we were "summoned for our final judgement." @_@ I was thinking, "Yeah, well, what were the odds that I'd pick up thesis 11?" Well, apparently, I beat the odds, in a really bad way. I picked up thesis 11. (SOAB! >_<) I tried everything in my power to talk my way out of it, but apparently, Ma'am wanted something verbatim. She said I was discussing this thesis in relation to all other theses. Doi, I knew all the other theses except this one. @_@

But at least that's the last I'll see of her. Please, sana wag lang F. T_T

. . .

Ma'am said "God is in the details." But if I remember correctly, I believe the original saying was, "The devil is in the details." That's how they get you. You get so tied up with mere trifling, trying to find the exact 2nd hand articulations of these authors that you fail to reflect the main message of the text and what it points out in our particular context. Without cohesion and appropriation, drawing details is a pathetic method of testing more aptly described as the "regurgitation method" - how well can you barf back the text that was force-fed to you. >_< style="font-style: italic;">class*. Don't get me wrong, I am not judging her as a person. As a person, Ma'am is *ok*. But as a teacher, well, let's just say that she's enough to make me question God's plan for humanity because if there was a just and loving God, He'd never allow Ma'am Rosanna to teach theology, ever. >_< But alas, my limited human capacity for understanding simply has no right to question God's omnipotence. He has BIG plans. The details hardly matter. As I said, "The devil is in the details." @_@

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