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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Weight Problems

Blog, we have a weight problem. >_< Everyone gained weight since working, an average of 10 pounds (- . -) Woh.

Let's log-in our weight. Is this right? *drumroll* 168 pounds! For someone at my height, I should weigh-in at around 144 pounds. 135 if I want to be like Manny Pacquiao. I'm more like Oscar Dela Hoya after 2 years of not playing boxing. >_<

I always rationalize that bone and muscle weighs more than fat. And *in fairness* I did gain a lot of muscle (I would like to think, at least) since joining Fitness First. ^_^

But still... I am 22 pounds over my limit. >_< Hahaha! This calls for action.


The guy made sense! @_@ At least, that's what it seems. Anyway it wouldn't hurt to try... Blog, let's set a goal to lose 8 pounds in 1 month. Then the next 10 after another. Baby steps muna. ^_^

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Saturday, October 18, 2008

Late and Awake

Blog, it's a Friday better spent sleeping. @_@

Nothing I need to share yet. ^_^ Just keeping you alive since I am awake.

Well I have BIG effing plans. I want to help the world. I'll share it some other time. I'll have to do some research first. @_@

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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Intermission: Epic Pale

Blog, doc says I'm anemic. @_@

That means I don't have enough hemoglobin in my blood.

That means I don't get enough oxygen.

That means I fatigue easily.

And I yawn a lot... X-O

Hemoglobin. Haha. Sounds like James Franco in Spiderman. Oh wait, that's Green Goblin. Not even Hobgoblin forchrissake ^_^

Anyway coach says I look pale. EPIC PALE. Haha. Whatta sellout ^_^

I can't believe I'm missing badminton because of this...


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Part 2 of a Several Part Series

Ok blog, our RR Alignment Project's smooth sailing for today so I can afford a little writing time. ^_^

Where was I? Right, I was recounting.

Ok, let's up the ante. I'm spilling the beans. Anyway, no one really knows that you're alive. (Frankly, I doubt they even care. No offense.) So here: Two is seeing someone. Nothing serious, but it's (a) exclusive, and (b) consistent. I've heard a lot of weddings start out as "nothing serious." Sorry for jumping the gun. :-D

I know it's stupid because it's been so long and I'm honestly OUT. As in. I just found it irritating that well, how come someone else had that chance? And what made it worse was that I KNEW the guy. There was a face to the "boy". Had it been any other "boy", I wouldn't care. But no, it was someone who was human to me. Knee-jerk reaction: "This sucks." >_<

But like I said, it's over and done.


I just had a crazy realization. *ding* Do I go down without a fight? I mean, if it's something that never really started, could it really be done? Like everyone said, it was all a matter of timing. Well here are the considerations that I'm putting on the table:

1. It's nothing serious.
2. I can hold a candle to the "boy". (If I'm not holding a bigger candle already ^_^ *Haha* Ok sorry...)
3. Maybe it's finally time that she's considering her options (?)
4. We ended on good terms.
5. We could be friends... at the least.

1. It's stupid :'-(
2. It's over and we both agree to it.
3. This is major damage on the consistency of my words and actions.
4. She must not really like me and was just shy to let me down the first time.

Let me think a while on this, blog. My next entry should be an action plan already.

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I Don't Want to Bring It Up But

I might as well. ^_^ (Sidenote: This is the only place run-on sentences are allowed.)

Blog, because I've resolved to call you names, I'll call you blog. Not "dear blog" because we've drifted apart and you're not THAT dear anyway.

Where was I?

Right, blog, along came a spider bearing news - ill news - about, y'know :-# It was ill news for me at the least because I always had a small hope, not something that I would pin all my future actions on, but something that just keeps me "in the loop", as people would like to call it. I always hoped that after everything and everyone else, in the end, the universe will always unfold in the way that it ought to.

Not everyone agrees, blog. For the past few years that it's been over I've been pursuing other paths, following everyone's advice to keep my options open. I've even been giving the same advice to everyone else. I've convinced myself that this is the right thing - the ideal thing - as opposed to hoping against all hope.

It's funny how someone's reality is another one's ideal. Well, that's what you learn when you grow up eh? :-|

And besides, how can I begin to guess at how the universe will finally unfold? Did I just dare dictate what fate would be in the end? Looking back, I did. That's why right now, I'm not making any more excuses for it. I was wrong. Sad, yes. The way I see it, it's not an issue of quitting or pursuing something you really believe in. It's an issue of forcing the issue.

So ask me again, "Is it over?"


Then follow up with this, "Then why were you affected?"

Aye, there's the rub :-(

To be continued.

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