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Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Weight Problems

Blog, we have a weight problem. >_< Everyone gained weight since working, an average of 10 pounds (- . -) Woh.

Let's log-in our weight. Is this right? *drumroll* 168 pounds! For someone at my height, I should weigh-in at around 144 pounds. 135 if I want to be like Manny Pacquiao. I'm more like Oscar Dela Hoya after 2 years of not playing boxing. >_<

I always rationalize that bone and muscle weighs more than fat. And *in fairness* I did gain a lot of muscle (I would like to think, at least) since joining Fitness First. ^_^

But still... I am 22 pounds over my limit. >_< Hahaha! This calls for action.


The guy made sense! @_@ At least, that's what it seems. Anyway it wouldn't hurt to try... Blog, let's set a goal to lose 8 pounds in 1 month. Then the next 10 after another. Baby steps muna. ^_^

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