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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

One Day

I was writing down the date, i noticed it was 27.02.07. Ha? Ok fine, it's not impressive, I know. :-|

I mean, this whole countdown to whatever thing is depressing. It only matters when there's something monumental after you say, "Zero," like "Houston, we have liftoff." So the lack of any punctuation mark on this highly anticipated day is a resounding affirmation of my general life experiences - a grand entrance with a silent retreat. Kuya Koko would not be proud. He always said that it did not matter whether people applaud you when you enter, what mattered was whether they would miss you when you leave. I was never a good authority on making graceful exits. I always start out strong with roaring cheers and soaring expectations. And then somehow, in some way, I screw up. So goes the saying, "That's something only Maron can do," in reference to having everything in place but ending up with egg on the face. T_T

So what can we expect for Zero Hour? I guess zero as the name suggests.

But rest assured that I will not end the day without a fight. Tomorrow will be a great day. I can feel it. It will be an exit worth counting down for. It will be just as I make it sound like. (No not boring, smartass.) Tomorrow we will have our story, our closure. Tomorrow it all ends.

And new things will begin. B-)

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