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Monday, May 29, 2006

Nothing More Terrible than a Tennis Flop. On a Sunday

We helped set up the viewing party at the Rockwell Club Tent on a Sunday. I felt robbed because the event was such a terrible flop that we could have very well held the party at Muri's place. The consolation prize was that we got free beer and Haagen Dasz. The combination sounds awful but it was better than zilch. On the plus side we were given 400 pesos for our troubles. It was far from ideal, especially on a Sunday. I especially stress Sunday because I could have been somewhere else less floppy. But work is work.
. . .

I out-drank last year's beer count in the span of one week. I feel bloated and I'm hoping that the Haagen Dasz take effect soon. Don't you get those days when you take a crap so intense that your pants fit better? I'm kind of hoping for that.

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