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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Ryan is a USB

Unethical son of a bitch is the new USB. It's the antithesis of our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) which simply means doing your job well. For a more thorough explanation, ask Mark Uy.

USB is not telling your customers that their Jolly Hotdog has no grated cheese and mustard. I guess I must be a USB too. Ryan is still the King USB but I fear El Presidente Chong is going to include some of my practices in his upcoming CSR: Our Situation speech.

Anyway, the Food Bazaar is doing fine. But I'm hoping the people buy Jollibee more. I had to buy four Chickenjoy meals, which I thought would be one of the best sellers. Apparently, people preferred to eat cheeseless Jolly Hotdog more. And I pray to God that the weather repeats itself. Rain is ok as long as it is scheduled right after our closing time. Thank you, Lord!

It's 7:25 AM

I'm in school for a change. The rain has already cost us one selling day for our Food Bazaar. They say that the rain is a sign that God has blessed you. You can say that it happens a lot during religious events. Our last YFC Conference in Davao was wet too. But a storm? It's just plain bad luck.

I'm praying that the climate turns 180 degrees soon. I don't want people stepping into puddles on their way to buy their Chickenjoy. I bet you miss Jollibee since the rain started. I know I did.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

What's New

I have Niki Custodio's blog linked in my Links section entitled: Niki, the Gay Wonder. It's in the Links section because it's a special type of weblog. It has uncanny depth and soul and the choice of words is simple yet powerful.

Here's a sample of one of my favorite entries:

someone flush the toilet, please...

i looked down and there it was. (or there they were...)

i let out an old-man cough.

"it's all in your head..." mom says. she was in the next room but heard me choking.

and yeah, she's right. but looking at other people's turd grosses me out and nine out of ten times, i let out that old-man cough.

i go back to my room, lock the door and light a cigarette. i look out the window and see a biker (in full gear. oh yes!) and out of nowhere i think to myself, everything that did happen to me was my own doing.

every mistake, set-back and heartbreak - all me. of course at that moment in my mind it wasn't that detailed but it was similar to that thought.

i have to look forward and stop dwelling in my past.

i have to pull myself together like a smart friend of mine said.

after going around my room and picking up dirty clothes, i bumped my head. i fell to the floor, which wasn't really necessary but i did it nonethless. i just laid there, thinking, "i should write this down."

maybe it doesn't really mean anything to you but today, it means a lot to me. i have to stop doing bad things and start being a man. and if something gets in the way and another setback falls into place, i should just take it in stride.

shit happens.

(read more)

I should really get paid for this.

Wednesday is the New Monday

9am: I woke up. My phone was ringing since 8. Played Neverwinter Nights.

9:30am: Saved game. Remembered I had a lot to do. Felt stupid for a minute.

9:31: Took a crap, bath and dressed.

10:30: Nati texted. I was late again for our meeting with Mrs. Sumpaico.

10:45: Mrs. Sumpaico is busy. Went to OSA.

10:47: Ms. Ginger is busy. Found my rejected reservation slip. Blood rushed to head.

10:50: SEC B Foyer filled with Bio majors again. Blood still rushing to head. Found Esca watching She's the Man on Jess' laptop. I watched too. Blonde chick is hot. Blood in head went to other parts of the body.

11:20: Way too early for OR class. Ma'am asking for groupings. I didn't have any. Felt stupid for 1 minute.

11:21: Stopped feeling stupid. Ry and Chong asked about GA. I said we had no venue. Felt stupid for 10 minutes.

11:31: Typed MOAs for Powered by Paint sponsors. Didn't listen to OR. Seeing red in upcoming test.

12:30: Bluffed Sir Tanchoco into giving up on Kristen Case. Chong answered board.

12:40: I raised hand to answer. Sir Tanchoco did not respond well. I felt rejected.

1:30: Went to now empty SEC B Foyer to eat tuna for the 1 millionth time.

1:45: Went to OSA to check on Ginger. Saw her but she didn't seem to remember me. So I went to post our IAC tarps instead.

2:00: Met Maloy at admissions. Tagged along. Felt sorry I couldn't give a guided tour.

2:01-3:30: Walked from OSA to OAS to SEC B to OSA and OAS 3 times over. Felt like turd. Maloy walked to the high school to escape.

3:30-4:30: Escaped philosophy in one piece. My drawing of Plato's cave sucked and I had no book.

4:30-5:30: Held GA in B209, thanks to Ry. Jako had to go to ADSA. Felt guilty for 1 minute.

5:30 onwards: Played volleyball and won. Hit Nati on the head with a wayward shot. People reacted, "Wooh..."

Present: Praying for sunny days. Actual chance of a sunny week next week: 1.024%.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I Hate Monday

Cel was right. I was never in a bad mood over lack of sleep before. And even if I was, I am not doing anything about it. It's past midnight and I'm wide awake.

I am trying to make sense of my sudden vague ill feelings. I'm rationalizing to the best of my abilities and what I've found out that would at least give me a little sense of peace is that I need time to fix things. That's what I did and I actually felt better. That would sound like crap one year ago but I might have changed.

I finally uploaded Simon's article after losing my finished work twice. That is bound to get some comments I'm sure.

As for the rest of my unorganized life, I am finding humor in the fact that we never really have decent conversations with my friends. To give you an idea of what usually happens here is a snapshot of our Yahoo conversation.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

I Want A Ukelele

Jake Shimabukura is the ukelele prodigy. Lele is the IAC president. See the connection? There isn't any. But I believe you will agree with me that this guy took some serious time out to practice to make 4 strings sound like 10.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Friendster Mailed Me

My now famous schoolmate, premiere bossa nova singer of the Philippines, Sitti has added me as her friend. I know it does not sound like much but at least she still remembers me. Probably now I could get my Cafe Bossa cd autographed.

If anyone asks for the merits of a friendster account, this must be one good example.

Tuesday, July 4, 2006

Think You're Having a Bad Day

Celine lost her customized data on her new iBook because of her tinkering. Thus she griped this morning.

I walked the entire length of Megamall thrice to look for a micro amplifier which was now apparently out of production.

I also discovered that Kipps Chicken has closed, just when I was craving one to console me from my futile search. I mean, what good is an electric guitar without an amplifier? It's like being able to articulate the innermost machinations of your consciousness with utmost nuance in a language nobody else speaks.

It's like finding SEC Foyer table crowded with freshies just when you thought you could have a nice long break from class. It's like finding out that somebody has already beaten you to the girl you promised to court after SMEG! This is infuriating to say the least.

But then again, looking at this video made me realize that hey, at least I'm not one of those guys.

Sunday, July 2, 2006

I Can't Wear My Argentina Shirt

After Argentina was upset by Germany with pitiful penalty kicks, France upset Brazil with an impossible cross from Zidane. I find this world cup upsetting. Rickett gets to wear his France shirt with hopes that the team wins back-to-back. I heard from the news that the French poured into their streets taking off their blue shirts and flashing their cursed blue lights. Now I can't wear my Brazil shirt too.