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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Wednesday is the New Monday

9am: I woke up. My phone was ringing since 8. Played Neverwinter Nights.

9:30am: Saved game. Remembered I had a lot to do. Felt stupid for a minute.

9:31: Took a crap, bath and dressed.

10:30: Nati texted. I was late again for our meeting with Mrs. Sumpaico.

10:45: Mrs. Sumpaico is busy. Went to OSA.

10:47: Ms. Ginger is busy. Found my rejected reservation slip. Blood rushed to head.

10:50: SEC B Foyer filled with Bio majors again. Blood still rushing to head. Found Esca watching She's the Man on Jess' laptop. I watched too. Blonde chick is hot. Blood in head went to other parts of the body.

11:20: Way too early for OR class. Ma'am asking for groupings. I didn't have any. Felt stupid for 1 minute.

11:21: Stopped feeling stupid. Ry and Chong asked about GA. I said we had no venue. Felt stupid for 10 minutes.

11:31: Typed MOAs for Powered by Paint sponsors. Didn't listen to OR. Seeing red in upcoming test.

12:30: Bluffed Sir Tanchoco into giving up on Kristen Case. Chong answered board.

12:40: I raised hand to answer. Sir Tanchoco did not respond well. I felt rejected.

1:30: Went to now empty SEC B Foyer to eat tuna for the 1 millionth time.

1:45: Went to OSA to check on Ginger. Saw her but she didn't seem to remember me. So I went to post our IAC tarps instead.

2:00: Met Maloy at admissions. Tagged along. Felt sorry I couldn't give a guided tour.

2:01-3:30: Walked from OSA to OAS to SEC B to OSA and OAS 3 times over. Felt like turd. Maloy walked to the high school to escape.

3:30-4:30: Escaped philosophy in one piece. My drawing of Plato's cave sucked and I had no book.

4:30-5:30: Held GA in B209, thanks to Ry. Jako had to go to ADSA. Felt guilty for 1 minute.

5:30 onwards: Played volleyball and won. Hit Nati on the head with a wayward shot. People reacted, "Wooh..."

Present: Praying for sunny days. Actual chance of a sunny week next week: 1.024%.


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