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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I Hate Monday

Cel was right. I was never in a bad mood over lack of sleep before. And even if I was, I am not doing anything about it. It's past midnight and I'm wide awake.

I am trying to make sense of my sudden vague ill feelings. I'm rationalizing to the best of my abilities and what I've found out that would at least give me a little sense of peace is that I need time to fix things. That's what I did and I actually felt better. That would sound like crap one year ago but I might have changed.

I finally uploaded Simon's article after losing my finished work twice. That is bound to get some comments I'm sure.

As for the rest of my unorganized life, I am finding humor in the fact that we never really have decent conversations with my friends. To give you an idea of what usually happens here is a snapshot of our Yahoo conversation.


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