/* ------------------------------------------------ CSS Style borrowed from Minima by Douglas Bowman ------------------------------------------------ */


Sunday, September 6, 2009

A Little Moving On

Hey, wake up.
I don't want to. Not yet.
You're still feeling down? Let it go.
I've done that. Twice already. Still feels like crap though.
You can't keep feeling sorry for these things.
...I am selfish.
Yes you are.
No, dumbass stop feeling sorry for yourself. You've done enough.
No? What else huh? You think this self pity will tell the world how much of a deep tortured soul you are? You think chicks dig that thing? Look around you asshole, for the longest time you have kept at this and what good has it ever done you?
No. You're looking at it all wrong.
Do you seriously think people don't see right through this? You think it's cute. You think it's profound. You are a sensitivity exhibitionist asshole. Keep at it and see where it takes you.
That's not even the point.
What then? What else are you feeling sorry for? You think that if you keep at this long enough some omnipotent force will take your side and finally throw you a bone? Keep dreaming.
Maybe I will.
You know what? Tough shit. The world doesn't give a flying fuck. Life goes on. You are not entitled to anything more than anyone else out there. Life is unfair. It sucks and it hurts. But that's just it. That's real.
I don't care anymore. Just leave me.
Good riddance then.
Good riddance.
You're an asshole.
I know.
You deserve this.



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