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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Powered by Tsinelas

We made lots of moolah in Powered by Paint. ^_^ Unofficially, the total net would be P50 thou. That would be a P140 thou improvement over last year's Siklab. I'm the man. No not really, much of the credit really belongs to Nati. @_@

Havaianas sold like hotcakes (but if you think about it, selling hotcakes is not really in our collective experience so we can't really tell how they'll sell, if they ever sell at all @_@). Anyway, point is, we all had a spanking good time. Ryan is P50 thousand richer and Chong has one successful project under his wing. I, on the other hand, shall take joy in the merits of having made new friends (or enemies in the administration) and having nurtured meaningful relationships. Bottom line is it was all worth it. ^_^

I made this poll in the hopes that somehow, tsinelas will win. But no, sneakers are more popular, or so it seems. I just wanted to illustrate a point. Well, anyway it's this: Ang tunay na pag-ibig ay parang tsinelas. Sa dinami-dami man ng sapatos, pag-uwi tsinelas pa rin ang hinahanap. ^_^

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Thursday, August 24, 2006

Answered Prayers

It's not about women. @_@ It's more along the lines of my recent orals in Theology. Rosanna was notorious for giving Fs and ludicrously objective questions. >_< Duenas didn't prolong the inevitable and said, "Sorry Ma'am, I haven't read that." Coming from a sucky group orals, I wasn't looking too sharp in the individuals. @_@

I no longer saw the point of studying. Muri and I would rather talk about how Dacanay is much better and how Rosanna gives tests that don't measure what we've learned. I was beginning to feel like flunking this Theology class just to prove a point that it sucked. >_< style="font-style: italic;">B+ in Dacanay and Jimeneeb *ahem* ^_^ ). We didn't want to face the fact that in the here and now, all we have is Rosanna and a copy of Nati's notes. It was so futile that we'd rather lose ourselves in painting and useless banter. @_@

But I had to at least try. Who knows I might get lucky? :-|

The tension increased tenfolds as we heard the first bell. Ten minutes. All we had was ten minutes. We raced upstairs in false alarm and the tension made me forget some of the finer points of the latter parts. It was a losing battle to say the least. I should be either really good or really lucky in this one. @_@

Nati drew first blood. Ma'am commented and it wasn't reassuring. I felt, "Crap. Even Nati can't please Rosanna. Eh aral na aral na nga 'yan." I bowed my head and prayed that prayer. :-|<

Lord, it is as if our lives are one test after another,
weighing us in somebody's balance.
Please save us from taking the coming test too seriously
or too lightly but grant that we reflect the best work
we've done and the best teaching we've received.

This we ask through Christ, our Lord. Amen.

"Maron. Why is the ambivalence of the Theological teaching the ambivalence of the soul?" >:-|

I knew this one! This was Mark Uy's question. I had this one in the bag. ^_^

"Ok, why is theological thinking the grammar of the heart?" >:-|

It was getting more difficult but I had read the article and committed it to heart.

"Ok, what is substance of this grammar?" >>:-|

Huh? What substance? I didn't know that one... (Wait, why is she asking me THREE questions??) :-O

"I think Maron is done now. That is enough." :-|

"Thank you!" was all I could say. ^_^ It was over for me. I might have missed some details but at least I didn't do a Duenas. It was easier to just quit but I know that would be an unacceptable option. Even though this was nothing short of a divine intervention, it just goes to show that there will always be hope. *ahem* Muri *ahem* ^_^

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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Going Guerrilla

I suddenly felt like eating something grilled. ^_^ Well anyway, Powered by Paint is doing fine if by fine we mean breaking even and earning profit on the 1st day of business. We could use more painters in the event though. Nobody seems to know how, and my first futile attempt to paint a shirt turned awry, thanks mostly to Nati. @_@ Well anyway, tonight we decided to go guerrilla in promoting the event. I asked almost everyone on my YM list to change their status to "Powered by Paint!" which was linked to Meaonline.

By the way, Tria wrote this for us (cosarocks.com). Haha. Thanks Tri. Oh ayan, special mention ka na rin.

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Monday, August 21, 2006

This Week

It's hell week once again my friends. >_<>_< Come on. Nobody's going to bother you because everyone else is in their own miserable hell week encounter. Of course, having that kind of status is so much cooler than being invisible because you get to be noticed. Oooh. Look at me, I'm busy. Please do not disturb. Hah. @_@

Here's what's in store:
  1. LS Longtest, "No appendices will be need." @_@
  2. Theology symposium, no? ("No?" is another story, its a long one >_<)
  3. POWERED BY PAINT, finally ^_^
  4. Theology orals, no? :-|
Let's do this. Please DND.BUSY. WILL KILL ANYONE WHO DISTURBS. Seriously. >_<

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Saturday, August 19, 2006

Last Week

Misery loves company and I'm a little comforted by the fact that a number of people felt ^@$%@!!! >_< At least I wasn't alone. Here's to recap the week that will live in infamy.
  1. Screw up with OAS-OSA.
  2. LS Written Analysis of Case, "No appendices are need."
  3. Philosophy long test.
A lot of people voted "I'm in love!" @_@ I was expecting only around two responses but it seems people feel that loving feeling. It just goes to show that love is never absent even in the darkest hours of life. Muri should agree, I think he voted 10 times. ^_^

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Thursday, August 17, 2006

Notice to the Public

OAS switched our venue at the last minute. SECB Foyer was switched to SS Foyer. Why? Because their slow ass made it so. Apparently, LEX got the reservation during the long lull of the snafu. Who was hassled? Us! Again! >_< Ateneo offices are growing stupider by the minute. I made sure Aegis was moved from SS Foyer and I didn't care if OAS gets pissed off. I was pissed off. I was just too tired to show it now. One could only carry a grudge for so long.

But in fairness, :-* the other OAS people were uncommonly nice to me. They knew me by name now. Asked me by some sort of formal courtesy how our project was doing. I was surprised enough not to snap back, "Malamang nagkakaleche-leche na." So I said, "Fine. (No)Thanks."

They switched my venue on the LAST MINUTE. How hassle can you get? Dumb f*cks never do anything right. >_<

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Wednesday, August 16, 2006

To Err is C'mon

The snafu with OAS-OSA has finally reached a verdict. We are good to go with our project but not before a blatant display of the office's sloppiness and stupidity. Ok first point, I submitted a letter informing OAS of our materials handling process, so they could be assured that paint won't get on the lovely and perfect SECB Foyer floor. OSA is holding all our MOAs until OAS allows us to use paint.

Problem 1 arises: OAS is taking its sweet time responding to the first request, hence no MOA from OSA and no love from Maron.

Solution to problem 1: Move the activity to a later date (Aug 21-25).

So I sent the new request forms. I also sent another letter regarding my logistical concerns. But this time, OSA replied: we need to see your project proposal. They wanted details about the Food Bazaar. Ma'am, I was thanking you for the recently concluded Food Bazaar. We are asking permission for Powered by Paint. You don't ask for permission for something that is recently concluded. Sheesh.

Problem 2 arises: OAS is taking its sweet time again. We can't promote and give MOAs because OSA won't let us until OAS gives the go signal. Our project is next week. We have to promote this week.

Solution to problem 2: Can't move activity. Can't cancel activity. So I wrote a 3rd letter asking OAS to please find time to look at our previous letters and at least tell us their concerns. They said, Mrs. Sumpaico of OAS had to talk to Ms. Ginger of OSA. Ok, no problem, go ahead and slug it out.

Problem 3 arises: OSA and OAS doesn't have a common time. Ok, dumb f*ck, I'm taking matters into my hands now.

Solution to problem 3: I went to OAS to try and talk to Mrs. Sumpaico herself and ask her what ails her. Chong was there to keep me from giving harsh comments.

So what ails her? She had a problem with our food sale. She read the "pre-project activity" thinking that was what we were going to do in the project. So I said, "Ma'am, the project's nature is written under the header 'NATURE OF THE PROJECT'." I pointed it out. There, educate yourself. Secondly, pre-project means before the project. You should have read ACTUAL PROJECT ACTIVITY instead because actual means the real deal. And I went to great pains to explain that the Food Bazaar is over and that we will only be dealing with paint. And she went to great lengths to make it look as if it was our fault that the 1st letter never reached her. Well, I could give some good reasons.
  1. They lost the letter because of some sloppy, incompetent procedure.
But I never did because Chong was there.

She finally said, "Ok. Push through with it." About time. I appreciate that they finally allowed us. I don't appreciate that they make it sound as if we did something wrong. Ok fine, it is my fault that the bureaucracy is taking too long and that our letter was lost under all the paper clutter. What I can't understand furthermore, is the blatant stupidity about what to read in the project proposal. OSA did this same mistake. They returned our MOAs saying that nothing's changed when obviously they never took the time to read the revised copy that was attached to the original copy. Sheesh. I feel sorry for them. The stress is turning their brains into mush. I mean, what's the point of having us submit proposals and revisions if they are not going to read it? Work with me people.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Everything Sucks

Lately yes. If you've ever been to OAS you'll notice how everything takes forever. I gave a letter for our venue in this coming Powered by Paint since way back when. It hasn't returned since. They can't seem to grasp the urgency of the situation, this being our last week to prepare everything or at least promote. No they just tell me the same thing everyday. "I can't do anything about it, please come back tomorrow." I swear if I get the same line again, dadanak na ang dugo.

OSA is making a big deal about our MEA logo in the tarp. I need it printed and I had little energy to argue. As far as I know, our tarp has not violated any OSA guideline. There are no a) pornographic or suggestive material, b) unwholesome sponsors like Frenzy or Red Horse, and c) our organization's logo is VISIBLE. I don't plan to waste any more time satisfying their sudden arbirtrary urge to make a big deal out of our logo. Everybody in the school knows what MEA is. Otherwise, they shouldn't be here.

Rainy days and Mondays suck. Today was a rainy Monday.

I am not surprised to see 15 'Lul mo, Maron responses. I'm more surprised to see that at least 7 people has agreed with me. 3 people are not so hyped about the blue rose. Muri probably erased his cookies and voted 'Lul mo 15 times.

Blue rose seems to be every loser's wish. This is their chance to finally meet the person they've been stalking for 4 years. I can't really relate in every sense but I have to feel for these people. It's their only chance, we might as well give them that. Who knows? Someone might get lucky. Therefore, blue rose is the hope of the nation. 'Lul mo doesn't count. I just placed that to see how many are kupal.

Friday, August 11, 2006

It Keeps Coming

My recent string of bad luck reached a high note tonight. We were in Jollibee and I was drinking my Coke when Non said, "Punas-punasan mo nga muna 'yang mukha mo, Muri. Puro manok." I laughed at Muri's dirty face in mid-drink. I was trying not to spill the Coke in my mouth so I held it in. It went through my nose instead. It got into my lungs too. It would have been funnier for me if it didn't burn like acid. Non barely finished eating his Chickenjoy because he was laughing every time I tried to cough to get the Coke out of my lungs. And for what? Just because I wanted to laugh at Muri's dirty face. Talk about situational irony.

When I got home, I found my P500 in my other pants. By the way, I recently have this problem of finding ants in my pants but that's another story. So anyway, I was glad to know that I didn't lose my 500 pesos after all. So I went to get my laptop to watch the Star Wars Clone Wars video I've recently downloaded. I sat down and placed the laptop on my foldable table. All of a sudden, the table's legs buckled and the tabletop fell on my feet, along with my laptop. I was worried about the laptop so I didn't feel the pain right away. When I made sure that nothing's broke, that's when I felt it. Putik, this day just keeps getting better.

Moral of the story
  1. Don't laugh at others because they will end up laughing at you.
  2. When placing delicate items on a foldable table, make sure that the legs are securely locked in place.
  3. Liquids were never meant to pass through any of our respiratory tracts.
  4. Put your money where your wallet is.
  5. Keep your feet away from items that could fall on it.

Tuesday, August 8, 2006

The Results Are In!

I am 2% hassle, 10% insensitive and 88% tanga lang talaga. Woh yeah!

There is a new poll about the blue rose this coming Blue Roast. I maintain that this event will be the hope of the nation (ang pag-asa ng bayan). Do you agree or disagree?

Monday, August 7, 2006

Starting the Week

  1. Cut OR because I was 30 minutes late again.
  2. Weird as it may sound, I have ants in the pants. It was very itchy. You can't imagine how.
  3. Played TextTwist during Cabochan. Still looking for a word made up of TAFHYLO.
  4. Lost the Cadbury Case and the Ergonomics handouts. 30 people texted, "where na? upload!" Apparently Chong has it.
  5. Made LS 1st pass.
  6. Made Small Business Consulting 1st pass.
  7. Paid P260 for a Sukiyakidon meal that was supposed to be Mentos' treat.
  8. Left my Philo book in Las Pinas.
I therefore conclude that this is not a good week for school. I propose that I cut the whole day of tomorrow to gather my wits about me and how I will survive the Friday OR long test.


Ate Cora of SOM xerox station has a baby who will undergo operation costing around P150,000. I propose that we help not only monetarily but also by being extra nice when photocopying at her station.

Mondays with Cabochan

"Did I tell you a story about Trade Dynamics International? You really can't tell the future."

The details hardly matter. It is easy to listen but somehow, I end up looking listlessly at a tiny projection on the screen.

End of Slide Show. Click to Exit.

Mr. Cabochan, our teacher in Small Business Consulting knows a lot. He has all this stories of companies that have made big ideas work. Havaianas, San Minguel Beer, Oishi, Lucio Tan just to name a few. He lauds them for thinking out of the box and urges us to do the same. He then gave us this exercise:

Connect all the dots using the least number of lines, without lifting your pencil.

Don't scroll down unless you want the answer.

His point was to think outside the box.

Thursday, August 3, 2006

Don't Be Surprised

"...if someone suddenly hits you." If I had a peso everytime I heard this, I would have around 30 pesos.

It's becoming a pattern. Somehow, someway, someone is bound to get mad at me. The exact nature of the incident would hardly matter because the end result, me being the ultimate patalo would be the be-all and end-all of it all. I hope I'm making sense now. Red Horse on a Wednesday is not good for the stomach.

I have to apologize to Saz. I uploaded his video and I got OC with the tags so I filled it with little details like "cross-dressing" and stuff. And then Pau uploaded it to MEA Online thinking it was ok with Saz. So what went wrong?
  1. I took Sir Aly's video and uploaded it to You Tube with the "public" setting checked so I can embed the video here.
  2. Pau uploaded it to MEA Online thinking it was ok with Saz. Turns out it wasn't.
  3. We didn't ask Saz.
  4. The tags read: cross-dressing, fairy, dance, Sazon.
In light of this recent tragedy I would like to reassess my life. Please continue to answer the poll on the left side of the screen, on the torn notebook.

Tuesday, August 1, 2006

This Happened Today

I was complaining all day about the hassle this being active MEAn thing is lately. It is our POM long test tomorrow and I haven't read a single page. I don't have a book. I saw Rickett's photocopies in the Jollibee tent so I "borrowed" it for a while to have it copied. I haven't seen Rickett since his last shift so I was betting he was going to be in the covered courts. I didn't have any more batteries in my phone so I asked Nati to text Rickett that his readings are with me and that I'll be in the SEC benches. I waited for a while in the SEC benches but I soon got bored and thought that Rickett probably doesn't need his readings. I went to the library to YM anyone who could text Kevin that I am still in school por pabor. I stayed there up until my laptop lost batteries too. I went outside and walked around hoping I would find Kevin. I found Rickett in the SEC benches and he looked furious. So what did I do wrong?
  1. I didn't go into the covered courts to see if Rickett was still there even after AJ told me that Chong is playing basketball. (Keywords: basketball, Chong is teammate in volleyball game)
  2. I didn't wait in the SEC benches for Rickett because I thought he no longer needed his readings. (Keywords: SEC B Foyer nearby, POM readings essential for life)
  3. I went to the library to YM anyone who could text Kevin that I am still in school. (Keywords: Mateo has WiFi too, YM anyone to text Rickett, lost whole battery for duration of stay)
  4. Asked Rickett for a ride home. (Keywords: Rickett is stark raving mad at me, 1-hour waste of time, traffic)
In light of this recent tragedy, I wish to assess my life with the help of everyone. Please answer the following poll as honestly as you can. (See torn notebook on the side).